Xenia Grace Chapel Ministries
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Thanks so much for being a part of what we’re doing at Xenia Grace Chapel. It’s so great to meet you! Explore our site to get to know what we are about.
We are designed to help each other in this life. Let’s be one another’s life rafts as we walk through difficult seasons. We are here with you and for you.
We have a lot going on! Come and check out all the things going on here at XGC! Below we have a few of the activities and ministries listed.
What We Value
- We love people. No matter what: We love you. Period.
Our love for God is demonstrated by the love we have for others.
- We pray. God answers prayer!
Prayer is our lifeline to God. There is a lifestyle of prayer where one talks to God throughout the whole day about everything that is going on in your life.
- We are Christ-centered. It is all about Jesus! All of our worship, message, and ministry are focused on Jesus.
- We make disciples.
A disciple of Jesus Christ begins that journey by spiritual birth (John 3:7) and then living a focused life about Jesus. It is the process of growing, changing, serving, becoming obedient to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
- We are a transformed people. Jesus changes everything! The life of Jesus living in us brings healing and holiness into our life.
Healing from our sins, addictions, wounds, hurts, and barriers to become free in Jesus Christ.
Holy living is the desire that God puts into our heart, and that takes place by the Holy Spirit filling our lives.
- We are authentic. Be yourself. We are going to.
Transparent and meaningful relationships become the normal and the culture of our church family.
- We strive for excellence.
Doing our best is a part of worship to God and reveals how we want to treat others.
Excellence is not perfection. It is serving Christ with our best.
- We serve. We are born again to make a difference in our world.
There are needs around us that Jesus wants us to become involved with.
- We are generous.
Generosity is being Christlike. We are never more like God than when you are giving.
- We are united—unity in the midst of diversity.
Working together can make great things happen at Xenia Grace Chapel for the cause of Jesus Christ.
Pastor Dan

Our Ministries
We Want Your Kids to Have Fun and Learn About God
Grace Kids is a place where your children can have fun, grow, and discover just how much God loves them.
Classes from birth through fifth grade are available. Check-in is required.
First Impressions Team
We are here to serve you from the first time you step onto our parking lot until you leave. Our commitment is to make your visit with us a memorable one.
Grace Teens
If you are in 6th through 12th grade, Grace Teens – The Gathering is a great place for you to get connected and discover how God can use you to make a difference in this world!
Worship Experience
Our worship team is tremendous at leading us to a deeper worship each Sunday morning. Whether you like contemporary Christian music or the old standard hymns, the worship team brings us to an open, vital worship time.
Global Focus
Xenia Grace Chapel is a mission minded church taking the commission of Acts 1:8. We support many local ministries as well as ministries across the United States and around the world.
Local Ministry Events
Each year, Xenia Grace Chapel has an auction to help support local families in crisis. This usually takes place in April.
Then in September, we have our annual Car Show. The proceeds from this events supports free oil changes for single moms and low income families.